Here are 4 steps you can take to instantly increase your following

( Find the video training below):

  1. Create content that people respond to

Well, how do you that then? You consume quality content. When you scroll through your feed, you'll notice that people respond better to some tweets than others. Save those tweets and let them be your inspiration when you make your own!

  1. Make yourself some friends

𝕏 is social media, right? That means being social. Don't just mindlessly consume, don't just tweet your great content into the void, instead make some friends. Talk to people, reach out in their DM's, congratulate their work, ask questions, and be curious. Basically, be the person you are in real life, and opportunities (and followers!) will come your way.

  1. "Pimp" your profile

Here's a mental framework to use: You're doing a transaction on 𝕏. You're attracting your buyer to your profile by putting out the content into the world that they'll stumble upon. When they visit your profile, the transaction happens in 3 seconds: they check out your profile, bio, and content and decide whether or not to follow you. Either you win a follower or lose one. And your profile is the reason.

  1. Automate your posting

Burnout is the real killer of growth. Why? Because when you take a month off to recover, the algorithm punishes you by limiting your reach, thus slowing the attraction of new followers to your profile.

By automating your processes and scheduling posts, you can maintain a steady flow of content. I'll be sending you an e-mail tomorrow on a concrete strategy that you can put to use right now. on how to supercharge your growth.

Btw..The tool I use to do all of this is Tweethunter.

If you've got any questions regarding 𝕏 growth, you are welcome to respond to this email and I'll try to answer your question as best I can directly, because why not help out where you can?

Bonus: simple 𝕏 growth strategy!

You can use this to gain 1,000s of new followers if you stick with these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to 5 people per day.

I told you to make friends, right? Well, this is how. Find a new person in your network, engage with their content, follow them, reach out to them and befriend them. Offer to help them out or simply just appreciate their work. To grow on 𝕏, you need engagements. To get engagements, you need friends.

  1. Post 3 pieces of content every day